Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sicky, Documentaries, and Flexitarianism

So I am at home sick today....I think I have a stomach virus...which is really no good when your trying to feel better about your body and all you can do is sit in the bathroom. So instead of telling people I'm sick, Im just gonna say Im doing a "cleanse"! It sounds so much better and people will still wanna be around you, because lets face it, the second you say your sick, people run for the hills and avoid you like you have the plague. Freak out much, I probably just ate a bad salad (who are we kidding, we all know it was a burger) and Im run down because I work all the damn time!

Speaking of work, I thought I would talk about it. Usually people's work has nothing to do with them gaining weight, but mine has a LOT to do with it. Why? Im a chef. And not just any chef, Im a private chef that works in my clients homes to make them gourmet treats that I then go home and make for myself because they look just too darn good to not have! Im greedy like that.

I have been in this profession on and off since 2003...I took some time to try out other careers, and I get bored doing the same thing all the time. But cooking is my passion. I have a culinary degree, which cost me $60,000 and 56 pounds! Oh, and I guess I should mention that my culinary degree is from a french butter, bacon, butter, bacon, and more butter and bacon. Mmmmmmmmm.....ever had bacon wrapped butter? Me either, but it sounds freaking amazing, like something they would have at the Texas State Fair! *Note to self, do NOT call the TSF to see if they have bacon wrapped butter!

I know I can do more "healthy" cooking, so thats what I am going to try. I have started several pin boards on pinterest that are all healthy food that looks reasonably tasty! So I am actually excited to try a bunch of them! And of course, I will share them here, even if they suck! Especially if they suck, because they shouldn't be all over pinterest if they suck! Right?

image from Netflix

On another subject, anyone that knows me knows that I am a HUGE documentary buff! I will watch documentaries on pretty much any subject because I love to learn new things! Now Netflix has figured out that I love watching documentaries about health and nutrition, so it has this neat little section for me where it recommends different films all about that subject! Its like friggin magic! Im in love!
But anyone that knows me also knows that documentaries about health are like infomercials to me! I will go out and buy, do, drink, eat, not drink, not eat, anything that they say to do! Its like my version of crack, and costs me just as much! But I did watch this one the other day called Forks over Knives. It is all about the movement to plant based, whole food diets. It makes SO MUCH sense!!! I won't ruin the whole thing for you, but the idea is cutting most meat, oil, dairy, and overly processed foods OUT of your diet! Totally Legit! I think I would like to become more of a "flexitarian" meaning, I eat a plant based diet, and occasionally eat meat or dairy products. (The meat I know I can do, the dairy will be a REAL challenge!)

So I am off to take a nap at 10am because I can! Have a great day!
One Fat Chick Pin It

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