Friday, April 13, 2012

What am I doing here?

While contemplating what all I should share on here, I thought I would talk a little more about my goals....

Like I stated before, I want to lose 60 pounds. Many of my friends and family have no idea about this blog, and for good reason. Its a well known fact (at least in my world) that the second you say your "on a diet" or "eating healthy" or "trying to lose weight", people are supportive for about 3.6 seconds before shoving some chocolate cake in your face and saying "just one little bite, its just this one time!" Or they hear that your *GASP* trying to cut most meat out of your diet, which here in Texas is a SIN!!, and they tell you that you will never make it, your crazy, and you might as well give up now because no one can keep that up forever! BUNK!! Sabotage is just not my cup of chai tea latte! Why do we do this to each other....jealousy? Possibly. I just don't get it! Why can't you all just be freaking encouraging and stop being haters?

*step off your soap box fat chick!*

So I am not going the traditional route in this....I'm not gonna start drinking 8 glasses of water a day, run a mile this morning, eat all healthy for the next three days and then give up because its too damn hard to keep up with all of that crap. Nope, I started by cutting out sodas. That's a BIGGIE for me! Sonic and I have a very close relationship, and I'm dating a Dr. there known as Pepper, with extra vanilla and easy ice. He usually comes to me in a 44oz cup, all cold and ready.....ok this is sounding like a really sick fantasy...that's what the sugar withdraw has done to me already! Let's just say I will greatly miss my vanilla Dr.Pepper, or the occasional vanilla Root Beer. Now, don't be using this blog as a reason to get new flavors for your drinks at Sonic! (I'm guilty...that's how I got the idea for the vanilla root beer...thanks a LOT blog-o-sphere!)

Image from Google

After the withdraws from the soda go away, I'm going to cut fast food out. Its amazing how much money I spend on fast food a week! I go to Taco Cabana three times a week and eat 4...yeah, I said it, 4 breakfast tacos and two chocolate milks...its my weakness....I used to have a Dr.Pepper with them, but I decided two heavily sugared and chocolate infused dairy products was a way better option! So I guess no more chorizo, potato, egg, and cheese (and yes, if your from Austin, I made a SHACK taco at TC's!) tacos for me....and its really too bad, because the chick in the drive through knows me by name. I think she read my credit card once though because I don't ever remember telling her what my name is. I know that should sound kinda creeper, but I actually like it! Is that wrong?

Image from Google

Now, I do draw a line...there will be ONE drive thru that I do not neglect, and that's Starbucks. I know, I know! THE SUGAR!!! But I have to have SOMETHING that is normal that keeps me motivated. My future hubby told me that true love is getting a Grande Mocha without having to ask for it (which I bring him almost every time I see him), and I think he's right! Except for me is a Venti (yeah, I like it big!) hot chocolate with extra whip, or a double chocolaty chip frappuccino, or a vanilla bean frappuccino. And yes, you read that right, I don't drink coffee at Starbucks. I'm one of those freaks! But Im just a few stars away from my coveted GOLD CARD and I know that just toasts your bagel if your a huge coffee drinker! Yep, I'm gonna get the same free crap as you and a fancy little card at the coffee place for drinking hot chocolate and milk shakes at Starbucks! HA!

After all of this who knows? I would like to cut meat and dairy WAY down in my diet! I think my diet is about 20% fruits, veggies, meat, eggs, and bread and 80% cheese. That probably needs to change. So I will think about it.

Image from IMDB

I also watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead the other day, so I thought about buying a juicer for about a week, till I saw how much they cost!! Someone wanna get me one as a wedding gift? I'll invite you and even let you eat the food and drink the booze like the guests that didn't bring me stuff I actually wanted! Yep, I definitely think a juicer is in order for the wedding registry. I wonder what the MR. is gonna think about that?? Probably tell me to juice him up a NY Strip and some Round Rock donuts!

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